
2020年6月19日—Pixlr照片編輯家族於2019年底推出HTML5的新版PixlrX以取代舊的Flash版本PixlrExpress。由於Adobe將於2020年底停止所有的Flash軟體開發 ...,2015年8月25日—Today,we'rereleasingapublicbetaofourPixlrExpresswebapp.Andwe'dlikeyoutotryitout.ThewebversionofourPixlrappis ...,2013年8月22日—WithHTML5,webappdevelopershavealotmoreflexibilitywithhowtheytreatimages,andmakingcircularavatarsseemstobea“beca...

Pixlr X 線上照片編輯

2020年6月19日 — Pixlr 照片編輯家族於2019年底推出HTML5 的新版Pixlr X 以取代舊的Flash 版本Pixlr Express。由於Adobe 將於2020年底停止所有的Flash 軟體開發 ...

Now in Public Beta

2015年8月25日 — Today, we're releasing a public beta of our Pixlr Express web app. And we'd like you to try it out. The web version of our Pixlr app is ...

Pixlr Editor

2013年8月22日 — With HTML5, web app developers have a lot more flexibility with how they treat images, and making circular avatars seems to be a “because they ...

用線上圖片編輯工具去背:PIXLR EDITOR使用教學 ...

2016年6月1日 — 用線上圖片編輯工具去背:PIXLR EDITOR使用教學/ Removing Image's Background By Online Photo Editor: PIXLR EDITOR. 6月01, 2016 Software , Web ...


Pixlr is a cloud-based set of image editing tools and utilities, including a number of photo editors and a photo sharing service.

Create Original Art with Pixlr's Draw Tool

Create Original Art with Pixlr's Draw Tool. With Pixlr's Draw Tool your imagination is the limit. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned artist, ...

圖像編輯器:Pixlr E

Click to Log in! Create a free account and get more out of Pixlr with just a simple click! Try new grid maker. New Photo Collage Maker.

Pixlr Suite

3 天前 — Edit & enchance images effortlessly with Pixlr's photo editing tools right from your browser. Pick your favourite editor today!